Development of design estimates
One of the activities of CJSC Company "SpetsStroyMash" is the performance of work on complex design of buildings, constructions, engineering networks of industrial and civil construction.
The main activities of our project office - providing a full range of services on the design and agreement of project documentation for the objects of residential and public purpose, industrial buildings, interiors of public buildings, reconstructions, as well as on carrying out of author construction supervision. Our specialists perform works on designing residential, cottage settlements, administrative and residential, commercial buildings, sports facilities, business centers, office buildings, hotels, parking lots, parks.
Types of works on preparation of project documentation:
- Works on the preparation of the scheme of planning organization of land
- Works on the preparation of architectural solutions
- Works on the preparation of constructive decisions
- Works on preparation of information about the internal engineering equipment, internal network of engineering and technical maintenance, about the list of engineering and technical activities:
- Works on the preparation of internal engineering systems of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, antismoke ventilation, heating and cooling
- Works on the preparation of internal engineering systems of water supply and sewage systems
- Works on the preparation of internal power supply systems
- Works on the preparation of project of internal low-voltage systems
- Works on the preparation of project of internal dispatching, automation and control of engineering systems
- Works on the preparation of project of internal gas supply systems
- Works on preparation of information about external networks engineering maintenance, the list of engineering activities:
- РWorks on preparation of external heat supply networks and their constructions
- Works on preparation of external networks of water supply and sewage systems and their constructions
- Works on preparation of external power supply networks up to 35 kV (including it) and their constructions
- Works on preparation of external networks of low-voltage systems
- Works on preparation of external gas supply networks and their constructions
- Works on preparation of technological solutions:
- Works on preparation of technological solutions industrial buildings
- Work on the preparation of technological solutions for transport purposes, and their complexes
- Works on development of special sections of project documentation:
- Engineering and technical measures of civil defense
- Engineering and technical measures for the prevention of the emergencies of natural and technogenic character
- Development of a declaration of industrial safety of dangerous industrial objects
- Works on the preparation of project organization of construction, demolition and dismantling of buildings and constructions
- Works on the preparation of project measures on environment protection
- Works on the preparation of project measures to ensure fire safety
- Works on the organization of preparation of project documentation, by engaged developer or customer under a contract, by legal entity or individual entrepreneur (general designer)